B00014 C++实现的AC自动机
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/** Copyright (C) 2015 Christopher Gilbert.** Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:** The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all* copies or substantial portions of the Software.** THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE* AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,* OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE* SOFTWARE.*/#ifndef AHO_CORASICK_HPP#define AHO_CORASICK_HPP#include 
namespace aho_corasick { // class interval class interval { size_t d_start; size_t d_end; public: interval(size_t start, size_t end) : d_start(start) , d_end(end) {} size_t get_start() const { return d_start; } size_t get_end() const { return d_end; } size_t size() const { return d_end - d_start + 1; } bool overlaps_with(const interval& other) const { return d_start <= other.d_end && d_end >= other.d_start; } bool overlaps_with(size_t point) const { return d_start <= point && point <= d_end; } bool operator <(const interval& other) const { return get_start() < other.get_start(); } bool operator !=(const interval& other) const { return get_start() != other.get_start() || get_end() != other.get_end(); } bool operator ==(const interval& other) const { return get_start() == other.get_start() && get_end() == other.get_end(); } }; // class interval_tree template
class interval_tree { public: using interval_collection = std::vector
; private: // class node class node { enum direction { LEFT, RIGHT }; using node_ptr = std::unique_ptr
; size_t d_point; node_ptr d_left; node_ptr d_right; interval_collection d_intervals; public: node(const interval_collection& intervals) : d_point(0) , d_left(nullptr) , d_right(nullptr) , d_intervals() { d_point = determine_median(intervals); interval_collection to_left, to_right; for (const auto& i : intervals) { if (i.get_end() < d_point) { to_left.push_back(i); } else if (i.get_start() > d_point) { to_right.push_back(i); } else { d_intervals.push_back(i); } } if (to_left.size() > 0) { d_left.reset(new node(to_left)); } if (to_right.size() > 0) { d_right.reset(new node(to_right)); } } size_t determine_median(const interval_collection& intervals) const { size_t start = -1; size_t end = -1; for (const auto& i : intervals) { size_t cur_start = i.get_start(); size_t cur_end = i.get_end(); if (start == -1 || cur_start < start) { start = cur_start; } if (end == -1 || cur_end > end) { end = cur_end; } } return (start + end) / 2; } interval_collection find_overlaps(const T& i) { interval_collection overlaps; if (d_point < i.get_start()) { add_to_overlaps(i, overlaps, find_overlapping_ranges(d_right, i)); add_to_overlaps(i, overlaps, check_right_overlaps(i)); } else if (d_point > i.get_end()) { add_to_overlaps(i, overlaps, find_overlapping_ranges(d_left, i)); add_to_overlaps(i, overlaps, check_left_overlaps(i)); } else { add_to_overlaps(i, overlaps, d_intervals); add_to_overlaps(i, overlaps, find_overlapping_ranges(d_left, i)); add_to_overlaps(i, overlaps, find_overlapping_ranges(d_right, i)); } return interval_collection(overlaps); } protected: void add_to_overlaps(const T& i, interval_collection& overlaps, interval_collection new_overlaps) const { for (const auto& cur : new_overlaps) { if (cur != i) { overlaps.push_back(cur); } } } interval_collection check_left_overlaps(const T& i) const { return interval_collection(check_overlaps(i, LEFT)); } interval_collection check_right_overlaps(const T& i) const { return interval_collection(check_overlaps(i, RIGHT)); } interval_collection check_overlaps(const T& i, direction d) const { interval_collection overlaps; for (const auto& cur : d_intervals) { switch (d) { case LEFT: if (cur.get_start() <= i.get_end()) { overlaps.push_back(cur); } break; case RIGHT: if (cur.get_end() >= i.get_start()) { overlaps.push_back(cur); } break; } } return interval_collection(overlaps); } interval_collection find_overlapping_ranges(node_ptr& node, const T& i) const { if (node) { return interval_collection(node->find_overlaps(i)); } return interval_collection(); } }; node d_root; public: interval_tree(const interval_collection& intervals) : d_root(intervals) {} interval_collection remove_overlaps(const interval_collection& intervals) { interval_collection result(intervals.begin(), intervals.end()); std::sort(result.begin(), result.end(), [](const T& a, const T& b) -> bool { if (b.size() - a.size() == 0) { return a.get_start() > b.get_start(); } return a.size() > b.size(); }); std::set
remove_tmp; for (const auto& i : result) { if (remove_tmp.find(i) != remove_tmp.end()) { continue; } auto overlaps = find_overlaps(i); for (const auto& overlap : overlaps) { remove_tmp.insert(overlap); } } for (const auto& i : remove_tmp) { result.erase( std::find(result.begin(), result.end(), i) ); } std::sort(result.begin(), result.end(), [](const T& a, const T& b) -> bool { return a.get_start() < b.get_start(); }); return interval_collection(result); } interval_collection find_overlaps(const T& i) { return interval_collection(d_root.find_overlaps(i)); } }; // class emit template
class emit: public interval { public: typedef std::basic_string
string_type; typedef std::basic_string
& string_ref_type; private: string_type d_keyword; public: emit() : interval(-1, -1) , d_keyword() {} emit(size_t start, size_t end, string_type keyword) : interval(start, end) , d_keyword(keyword) {} string_type get_keyword() const { return string_type(d_keyword); } bool is_empty() const { return (get_start() == -1 && get_end() == -1); } }; // class token template
class token { public: enum token_type{ TYPE_FRAGMENT, TYPE_MATCH, }; using string_type = std::basic_string
; using string_ref_type = std::basic_string
&; using emit_type = emit
; private: token_type d_type; string_type d_fragment; emit_type d_emit; public: token(string_ref_type fragment) : d_type(TYPE_FRAGMENT) , d_fragment(fragment) , d_emit() {} token(string_ref_type fragment, const emit_type& e) : d_type(TYPE_MATCH) , d_fragment(fragment) , d_emit(e) {} bool is_match() const { return (d_type == TYPE_MATCH); } string_type get_fragment() const { return string_type(d_fragment); } emit_type get_emit() const { return d_emit; } }; // class state template
class state { public: typedef state
* ptr; typedef std::unique_ptr
> unique_ptr; typedef std::basic_string
string_type; typedef std::basic_string
& string_ref_type; typedef std::set
string_collection; typedef std::vector
state_collection; typedef std::vector
transition_collection; private: size_t d_depth; ptr d_root; std::map
d_success; ptr d_failure; string_collection d_emits; public: state(): state(0) {} state(size_t depth) : d_depth(depth) , d_root(depth == 0 ? this : nullptr) , d_success() , d_failure(nullptr) , d_emits() {} ptr next_state(CharType character) const { return next_state(character, false); } ptr next_state_ignore_root_state(CharType character) const { return next_state(character, true); } ptr add_state(CharType character) { auto next = next_state_ignore_root_state(character); if (next == nullptr) { next = new state
(d_depth + 1); d_success[character].reset(next); } return next; } size_t get_depth() const { return d_depth; } void add_emit(string_ref_type keyword) { d_emits.insert(keyword); } void add_emit(const string_collection& emits) { for (const auto& e : emits) { string_type str(e); add_emit(str); } } string_collection get_emits() const { return d_emits; } ptr failure() const { return d_failure; } void set_failure(ptr fail_state) { d_failure = fail_state; } state_collection get_states() const { state_collection result; for (auto it = d_success.cbegin(); it != d_success.cend(); ++it) { result.push_back(it->second.get()); } return state_collection(result); } transition_collection get_transitions() const { transition_collection result; for (auto it = d_success.cbegin(); it != d_success.cend(); ++it) { result.push_back(it->first); } return transition_collection(result); } private: ptr next_state(CharType character, bool ignore_root_state) const { ptr result = nullptr; auto found = d_success.find(character); if (found != d_success.end()) { result = found->second.get(); } else if (!ignore_root_state && d_root != nullptr) { result = d_root; } return result; } }; template
class basic_trie { public: using string_type = std::basic_string < CharType > ; using string_ref_type = std::basic_string
&; typedef state
state_type; typedef state
* state_ptr_type; typedef token
token_type; typedef emit
emit_type; typedef std::vector
token_collection; typedef std::vector
emit_collection; class config { bool d_allow_overlaps; bool d_only_whole_words; bool d_case_insensitive; public: config() : d_allow_overlaps(true) , d_only_whole_words(false) , d_case_insensitive(false) {} bool is_allow_overlaps() const { return d_allow_overlaps; } void set_allow_overlaps(bool val) { d_allow_overlaps = val; } bool is_only_whole_words() const { return d_only_whole_words; } void set_only_whole_words(bool val) { d_only_whole_words = val; } bool is_case_insensitive() const { return d_case_insensitive; } void set_case_insensitive(bool val) { d_case_insensitive = val; } }; private: std::unique_ptr
d_root; config d_config; bool d_constructed_failure_states; public: basic_trie(): basic_trie(config()) {} basic_trie(const config& c) : d_root(new state_type()) , d_config(c) , d_constructed_failure_states(false) {} basic_trie& case_insensitive() { d_config.set_case_insensitive(true); return (*this); } basic_trie& remove_overlaps() { d_config.set_allow_overlaps(false); return (*this); } basic_trie& only_whole_words() { d_config.set_only_whole_words(true); return (*this); } void insert(string_type keyword) { if (keyword.empty()) return; state_ptr_type cur_state = d_root.get(); for (const auto& ch : keyword) { cur_state = cur_state->add_state(ch); } cur_state->add_emit(keyword); } template
void insert(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) { for (InputIterator it = first; first != last; ++it) { insert(*it); } } token_collection tokenise(string_type text) { token_collection tokens; auto collected_emits = parse_text(text); size_t last_pos = -1; for (const auto& e : collected_emits) { if (e.get_start() - last_pos > 1) { tokens.push_back(create_fragment(e, text, last_pos)); } tokens.push_back(create_match(e, text)); last_pos = e.get_end(); } if (text.size() - last_pos > 1) { tokens.push_back(create_fragment(typename token_type::emit_type(), text, last_pos)); } return token_collection(tokens); } emit_collection parse_text(string_type text) { check_construct_failure_states(); size_t pos = 0; state_ptr_type cur_state = d_root.get(); emit_collection collected_emits; for (auto c : text) { if (d_config.is_case_insensitive()) { c = std::tolower(c); } cur_state = get_state(cur_state, c); store_emits(pos, cur_state, collected_emits); pos++; } if (d_config.is_only_whole_words()) { remove_partial_matches(text, collected_emits); } if (!d_config.is_allow_overlaps()) { interval_tree
tree(typename interval_tree
::interval_collection(collected_emits.begin(), collected_emits.end())); auto tmp = tree.remove_overlaps(collected_emits); collected_emits.swap(tmp); } return emit_collection(collected_emits); } private: token_type create_fragment(const typename token_type::emit_type& e, string_ref_type text, size_t last_pos) const { auto start = last_pos + 1; auto end = (e.is_empty()) ? text.size() : e.get_start(); auto len = end - start; typename token_type::string_type str(text.substr(start, len)); return token_type(str); } token_type create_match(const typename token_type::emit_type& e, string_ref_type text) const { auto start = e.get_start(); auto end = e.get_end() + 1; auto len = end - start; typename token_type::string_type str(text.substr(start, len)); return token_type(str, e); } void remove_partial_matches(string_ref_type search_text, emit_collection& collected_emits) const { size_t size = search_text.size(); emit_collection remove_emits; for (const auto& e : collected_emits) { if ((e.get_start() == 0 || !std::isalpha(search_text.at(e.get_start() - 1))) && (e.get_end() + 1 == size || !std::isalpha(search_text.at(e.get_end() + 1))) ) { continue; } remove_emits.push_back(e); } for (auto& e : remove_emits) { collected_emits.erase( std::find(collected_emits.begin(), collected_emits.end(), e) ); } } state_ptr_type get_state(state_ptr_type cur_state, CharType c) const { state_ptr_type result = cur_state->next_state(c); while (result == nullptr) { cur_state = cur_state->failure(); result = cur_state->next_state(c); } return result; } void check_construct_failure_states() { if (!d_constructed_failure_states) { construct_failure_states(); } } void construct_failure_states() { std::queue
q; for (auto& depth_one_state : d_root->get_states()) { depth_one_state->set_failure(d_root.get()); q.push(depth_one_state); } d_constructed_failure_states = true; while (!q.empty()) { auto cur_state = q.front(); for (const auto& transition : cur_state->get_transitions()) { state_ptr_type target_state = cur_state->next_state(transition); q.push(target_state); state_ptr_type trace_failure_state = cur_state->failure(); while (trace_failure_state->next_state(transition) == nullptr) { trace_failure_state = trace_failure_state->failure(); } state_ptr_type new_failure_state = trace_failure_state->next_state(transition); target_state->set_failure(new_failure_state); target_state->add_emit(new_failure_state->get_emits()); } q.pop(); } } void store_emits(size_t pos, state_ptr_type cur_state, emit_collection& collected_emits) const { auto emits = cur_state->get_emits(); if (!emits.empty()) { for (const auto& str : emits) { auto emit_str = typename emit_type::string_type(str); collected_emits.push_back(emit_type(pos - emit_str.size() + 1, pos, emit_str)); } } } }; typedef basic_trie
trie; typedef basic_trie
wtrie;} // namespace aho_corasick#endif // AHO_CORASICK_HPP


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